#TGULab – The apples to apples on brown mulch. Is it worth it?

A few days ago I received a call from a friend asking for advice. My friend asked if I could come to his house to check out the mulch he purchased over the weekend at a box store. Knowing my friend likely got carried away by the “BIG” discount, I packed my bag with a sample of our double shredded hardwood mulch and made my way to his home. Upon my arrival I couldn’t believe what I was looking at. I was in shock and disbelief that my friend had taken the time and effort to put this mulch down. He only spread a few bags of this mulch, but when I pulled my sample out of my backpack I could see the reaction of defeat in his face. Maybe the reaction wasn’t defeat but better described as embarrassment.

If you are waiting for me to get to the punchline of this post, wait no more. Here it goes:

Mulches are made many different ways. They can be natural, dyed, made from shells, rubber, wood, lava, and different types of trees, barks, and organic and non-organic materials.

The ultimate goal of a mulch product is to feed, protect and beautify. You may opt to leave 2 of the 3 goals out and just beautify or you may want to protect and beautify. The reality  is: If you are able to feed, you are also protecting and beautifying BUT if you are only beautifying then you are not feeding and you are likely missing the protection component.

If we compare apples to apples on brown mulch readily available in the market and look at all these physical characteristics and more specifically look at TGU’s bulk hardwood mulch or TGU’s The Seasons Hardwood mulch in bags VS the BROWN mulch sold at the big box store, this is what we get…… for pics and video visit www.facebook.com/thegroundup

TGU Hardwood Mulch: Composted vegetative waste, shredded once and composted then shredded a second time with a 1.5″ screen. Small shred with composted fines that will ultimately incorporate into the soil system of your landscape.

VS Brown Mulch: Dyed wood with shred ranging between 1″ to 6″, lacking compost and missing the ability to break down and incorporate into your landscape’s soil system. An all carbon product that will likely create a deficient environment for your plants and creates a nitrogen deficiency and does not allow for nutrient uptake of any root.

Why go through the hassle right? Find TGU’s The Seasons at an Independent Garden Center – for a list of local businesses carrying TGU products visit http://thegroundup.com/retail/