What our latest test results show……
TGU’s Leaf Mold Compost latest test results show:
It is very fertile with bountiful amounts of all the right nutrients including NPK.
It does not have excessive/toxic levels of phosphorous & sodium, a common problem with commercial compost
It tests out as mature. Mature compost has better quality yields better results and avoids many problems.
It is bacterial dominated but has good balance of bacteria & fungi. Best used for lawns, veggies & seasonal color.
How does TGU achieve these results:
We are very picky in terms of using high quality ingredients and keeping out contaminants
Use a diverse variety of ingredients to create optimal compost from a nutrient & beneficial microbe standpoint.
Manage pile temperatures in a manner that promotes beneficial microbes and controls weed seeds & pathogens
We double screen our leaf mold compost to create a very easy to use, high performing end product.